5 Delicious Nuts and Seeds to Drive Away The Winter Chills

5 Delicious Nuts and Seeds to Drive Away The Winter Chills

Winter is almost here, and that means we need to think about how we can keep ourselves warm. As the temperature level continues to drop, so does our energy level. During the winter season, energy levels, metabolism, and even dietary choices witness a shift. Therefore, it is essential for you to stay healthy and consume foods that are warm. Along with having enough vitamin D-rich food, there are tons of nuts and seeds that you can consume to stay warm in the winter season. If you also believe that seeds and nuts lead to weight gain, then you must think again. Nuts and seeds might be tiny, but they are super high and rich in nutrition. When the winter chill sets in, nuts and seeds are enough to warm you up. You can buy a variety of nuts and seeds from the Tong Garden. Seeds and nuts are cheaper and easily available during the winter. Let’s have a look at the seven essential nuts and seeds that you must eat during winter to stay warm, cozy, and healthy.


Pista is very good for your health as it is packed with nutrients and it is very essential for you to give enough quantity of nutrients to your body when snacking on something. Furthermore; Pista also contains a lot of antioxidants that help your body to stabilize cells that sometimes become unstable due to environmental toxins and natural bodily processes. Pista is high in protein and less in calories which helps in effective weight and haemoglobin management. 

Grab some of our Salted Pistachios at affordable prices. This Diwali move over sonpapdi and gift healthy snacks to your loved ones. 

Sunflower seeds:

Sunflower seeds are rich in linoleic and oleic acids and also low in saturated sodium and fats. Sunflower seeds also contain fibre, magnesium, and potassium. Furthermore, it helps in lowering blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels. It reduces the occurrence of arrhythmias and hence helps your body get warm during the winter.

Grab our Tong Garden Salted Sunflower Seeds and Barbeque Sunflower Seeds from our website or a nearby store. 


Peanuts are known as a powerhouse of nutrients and have a number of health benefits, hence being considered as the most popular nut for quite some time. Peanuts are high in protein, good fats, and micro and macronutrients and protect us from various kinds of illness as well. You must consume peanuts in winter as they help with weight loss, contain enough protein, are good for heart health, contain minerals and vitamins, and so on. 

Grab some of our Tong Garden Salted Peanuts for a multipurpose snack in your routine.

Pumpkin seeds:

Pumpkin seeds are edible seeds that people consume, typically after roasting, as they offer various health benefits. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc, fibre, protein, phosphorus, and manganese. All the factors are good for health, such as pumpkin seeds containing magnesium, which is good for bone formation. Similarly, it helps in maintaining a moderate weight and improving digestion as well as improving blood sugar levels. Moreover; pumpkin seeds have a high content of vitamin E and other antioxidants that improve your overall immune system.

Grab some of our paprika pumpkin seeds, roasted pumpkin kernels, and salted pumpkin.


Almonds are high in Protein, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and so on. That helps keep your body warm and strengthens your immunity during winter. Furthermore; the glycaemic load of almonds is zero, which helps in strengthening your digestion system as well. Consuming almonds on a daily basis is good for your health and body. 

Grab some of our Tong Garden Nutrione Baked Almonds and Tong Garden Salted Almonds for healthy winter days.  

Go visit our website or nearby store to know about our latest products and offerings.

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