Healthy facts you don't know about Almonds

Healthy facts you don't know about Almonds

Almonds are among some of the best natural foods one can take since they are rich in most elements and have many nutritional values. At Tong Garden, we specialize in premium quality almonds and a tasty array of marvelous flavors to adorn your palate. In their natural, lightly roasted, or spicy form, Blu has been enjoyed by many people for its delicious and healthful properties. Below are some basic and surprising facts about almonds.

1. Rich in Nutrients

They are devoid of significant cholesterol, saturated fat, or sodium and contain high amounts of fiber, Vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium. A single serving (about 28 grams or a small handful) provides: A single serving (about 28 grams or a small handful) provides:

Vitamin E: Every thirty-seven percent of the build Recommended Daily Intake (RDI), it is a potent antioxidant that can safeguard cells against harm by way of oxidation.

Magnesium: 20% of the recommended daily intake, by which muscles, the heart, and bone strength are maintained also needs sugar.

Protein: 6 grams per serving, so almonds are a high source of plant-based proteins for people. You must buy nuts from our website as they contain a rich amount of protein.

Healthy Fats: The major type of fat that I consume is monounsaturated fats: These are good for your heart as they will not harm your cholesterol.

Fiber: 3. Researchers claim that 5 grams can improve digestion and will help to ensure that you do not feel hungry shortly after eating.

2. Heart Health

It is pointed out that the consumption of almonds in the diet has powerful effects, especially in the realm of cardiology. Monounsaturated fats, fiber, and vitamin E are the nutrients that help in increasing the levels of the desirable High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol commonly called the ‘good’ cholesterol while decreasing the levels of the Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol commonly referred to as the ‘bad’ cholesterol. Another advantage of almonds is that they are a source of magnesium which promotes normal blood pressure and is crucial for driving and controlling all of our twist drills.

3. Weight Management

While almonds are packed with calories, they are actually helpful when it concerns weight goals. Protein, fiber, and healthy fats work together in providing a complete feeling after eating thus displaying satiety. From research done, it was evident that people who incorporated almonds in their daily diet tended to consume fewer calories in the course of the day.

4. Blood Sugar Control

Almonds are low in glycemic index hence useful in low glycemic index hence useful in managing and regulating blood glucose levels. That the almonds possess a critically important nutrient, magnesium, forms the basis of stabilizing blood sugar. If consumed regularly almonds can positively affect the way the body processes sugars and are therefore well recommended for diabetic patients.

5. Skin Health

Almonds have a very high Vitamin E level which helps when it comes to skin health. Vitamin E has a reputation for exfoliating the skin and preventing its destruction by the ill effects of sunlight and pollution. Alongside, including almonds in the diet can definitely help in attaining beautiful and healthy skin, and complexion.

6. Bone Health

Almonds are also a source of several nutrients that are crucial to the strength and density of bones, such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. These minerals thus help in preserving the bone mass and again tending to osteoporosis and fractures.

7. Brain Health

It is for this reason that almonds are commonly described as ‘brain foods’ since they are rich in riboflavin and L-carnitine, nutrients that are believed to boost the neurological system of the body and curb the aging process of the brain. It is scientifically proven that for people who introduce almonds to their diet, there is bound to be an improvement in the memory and overall performance of the brain in general.

8. Versatile Flavors

In Tong Garden, we know that life without variety is just like a bland meal; therefore we try to offer our customers as many choices as we can. That is why, if it is, we are glad to present a choice of almond flavors that may interest different buyers. From the delicious and simple almonds to the salted almonds and Tong Garden Nutrione Baked Almonds, our superior almonds truly promise to give you all that sweet satisfaction that you are searching for and at the same time promise to prolong all the health benefits that almonds contain. 

9. Easy to Incorporate into Your Diet

Almonds are very easily adaptable to the diet as they enjoy an exceptional health importance. Such a substance can be consumed in any form – they are used to prepare convenient snacks, can be added to salads and yogurt, used in baking processes, as well as being blended into smoothies. Almonds can be eaten in various ways daily without having the same experience, thanks to the flavors of Tong Garden.

Almonds are not just a tasty nut, but they can genuinely be considered as one of those healing foods since they contain many useful nutrients. When it comes to its benefits it can be said that almonds are good for the heart, help in weight loss, support blood sugar levels, and make skin bright and beautiful. At Tong Garden, our promise is to deliver only the best that almonds come with a range of flavors to create that perfect munching moment.

A list of all the health benefits you get from the consumption of almonds can be eye-opening, check out Tong Garden Superior Almonds. So, your body will be grateful to you after using it in such a productive way.

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